Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Semua orang berandai - andai ingin memiliki mesin waktu.

Kata mereka tidak mungkin, tapi menurut saya.
Sangat mungkin.
Bahkan mungkin saja sekarang kamu sedang menaikinya.

Yakin kamu sekarang sedang tidak hidup di masa lalu?


Setiap insan di dunia ini butuh itu.
Ada yang berlari ke kiri atau ke kanan.
Tapi, semua orang.
Ya, semua orang.

Butuh objek untuk menjadi pelarian.
Lari dari kenyataan.

Rokok, ya salah satunya.
Selingkuhan, ya salah satunya.
Narkoba, ya salah satunya.

Pelarian selalu lebih indah dari kenyataan.
Kadang terlalu indah hingga kita terbuai kepalsuannya.
Kadang cukup indah hingga menjaga kita waras.
Kadang tidak cukup indah hingga kita mencari pelarian lain.

Berhati - hatilah mencari pelarian.

Salah - salah memilih, 

bisa lebih mematikan dari kenyataan.


Sedikit 'bernostalgia' dengan teman tentang masa lalu yang pahit.
Ah, masa lalu yang gila.

120 menit kembali ke masa lalu. Tapi, cukup hanya itu saja.
Ditambah sedikit percikan 3 menit, untuk menulis post ini sepertinya.
Tapi, cukup hanya itu saja.

Masa lalu, ya, masa lalu.
Sudah tersimpan di peti mati yang begitu rapat.
Telah diberi wewangian melati, berisyarat bahwa aku melepas kepergiannya dengan senyum lapang.

Kaki kiriku sudah menari - nari di sisi pintu yang lain.
Kaki kananku sudah terangkat dan tinggal berjarak 0.5 sentimeter dari sisi pintu yang lain.
Saya tidak mau dan tidak akan meletakkan kaki kananku ke sisi yang sebelumnya.
Sudah cukup.

Saya pergi.

Ah, ternyata. Sesudah terketik kata 'pergi'
Ternyata itu yang kubutuhkan selama ini.
Mengatakan kata 'pergi'.

Kaki kananku sudah di sisi pintu lain.

Sekarang aku tinggal membalik badan.
Suatu saat, aku akan tertawa.
Melihat apa yang telah kulalui.
Menorehkan lengkungan terbesar di atas wajah.

Lalu, akan kututup pintu.

Dan berkata :

Selamat tinggal.

Sunday, December 26, 2010


Sumpah, aku tidak sabar segera lulus sekolah.
Sumpah, aku tidak sabar bisa cepat-cepat mengurus diri sendiri. Bukannya, diurus.
Sumpah, aku tidak sabar menjadi benar-benar dewasa.
Sumpah, aku tidak sabar tau apa yang menunggu saya di depan sana.
Sumpah, aku tidak sabar mewujudkan mimpi saya.
Sumpah, aku tidak sabar.
Sumpah, aku tidak sabar.
Sumpah, aku tidak sabar.
Sumpah, aku tidak sabar.
Sumpah, aku tidak sabar.
Sumpah, aku tidak sabar.
Sumpah, aku tidak sabar.
Sumpah, aku tidak sabar.
Sumpah, aku tidak sabar.
Sumpah, aku tidak sabar.
Sumpah, aku tidak sabar.
Sumpah, aku tidak sabar.
Sumpah, aku tidak sabar.
Sumpah, aku tidak sabar.

Kalau dipikir..
Kapan aku akan sabar?


"Life is what happens to you when you're too busy making plans"

A few years back then, I might said that it was equivocal. Well, I used to think that life is about making plans. About knowing what you're actually doing. So, how come life is what happens other than your plans?
Everything has its season, yes it is.

And, it seems that the year of 2010 is the time when the equivocal flipped into something absolute. Since the beginning of 2010 until the end of it, I never even for a split second rest on my feet and relax. Not, that I'm seeking for being busy. But, they just come after me, and stupid of me, I let them.

Being busy is fun in some way, it makes you feel somewhat productive and actually standing on the ground. But, it also makes you blind in some way. Keeping yourself from what happened out there in the real world, other than your private little space.

I miss my friends, that's the point. I miss me.
Being busy kept me for having the time to have fun with my friends. When I do have one, I felt so tired that I couldn't be as fun as I used to be. I need to cut my self some slack.

To be honest, I don't know what did I write for the last 4 paragraphs.


"Always have a bigger heart"

"But, what if it explodes, dear?"

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Selamat hari Ibu.

Seorang perempuan menitikkan air mata di pojok ruangan cafe. Wajahnya tetap merah merona, seakan tidak ada masalah, tapi matanya berkata lain. Matanya terus berair dan berair dengan wajah yang begitu lurus. Tanpa ekspresi. Kontras, kata yang tepat untuk menggambarkannya.

Kalau saja ada kaca pembesar yang menunjukkan isi hati seseorang, sepertinya sedang ada perang hebat antara hati dan pikirannya. Perang yang terjadi hanya di satu tempat. Raganya. Raga-nya yang terlihat begitu rapuh dan rentan terhadap liarnya tiupan angin dan dinginnya udara di sekitarnya.

Terlihat berkali - kali matanya mendelik ke arah telefon genggamnya, kemudian memalingkan kembali pandangannya. Mendelik, menolak, mendelik, menolak, begitu terus hingga terdengar seruput green tea latte yang keras tanda ia harus membeli secangkir lagi.

Entah apa yang akan dilakukan perempuan itu nantinya, yang pasti sekarang saya harus membeli secangkir tall green tea latte lagi, karena baru saja kuseruput tetes terakhir.

Selamat hari Ibu.

Saturday, December 18, 2010


I hope we can do this every single day

Thanks for everything, Antigone, Creon and Haemon.


Friday, December 10, 2010


Siapa kamu? Sosok yang begitu pendiam dan terlalu banyak berpikir?
Siapa kamu? Sosok yang begitu penakut dan terlalu peduli pendapat orang lain?
Siapa kamu? Sosok yang begitu aneh.

Yang jelas kamu bukan aku.
Kenapa sekarang engkau merasuki tubuhku?

Enyahlah kau enyah, pergilah kau, carilah tubuh lain untuk dihuni.
Carilah tubuh lain yang memang seperti itu.
Yang jelas itu bukan aku.

Kasihan sekali si 'aku' yang sebenarnya,
Terbelenggu dan dipeluk rantai keras yang mencengkeram.
Kumohon, lepaskan dia.

Saturday, December 4, 2010


Reply : ...

Speechless, Icanonlysaythistoyou.


Open your eyes, think from a lot of sides.
I'm done sacrificing myself for absurdity.

Edit Posts

Have you ever felt so grateful towards everything? Knowing that how God loves you to the utmost, and He REALLY knows what's best for you, even in the quirkiest, 'meanest' way?

I have and I do.

Sitting on my second floor balcony, enjoying the fresh air with the intriguing scent of Green Tea Latte getting into my nostrils, I'm feeling great. Not just having a state of good mood, but I really feel great --- other than I've gained a few kilograms --! I realized how amazing my life has been. Peculiarly, it's mostly not because of the fortunate events, but because of my misfortunes.

Falling into the wrong pit, making wrong decisions, feeling miserable, breaking other people's hearts, crying my heart out, blinding my own eyes, forgetting to love myself, yes.

All those tears-provoking events are the ones that have made my life amazing. Why is that so?
Because those are the events that have made me grow, making me who I am today. 
Grateful, happy young lady. NOT (faking-to-be)grateful and (faking-to-feel)happy young lady.
There's a huge difference in there, yea?

After all this time, turns out all that I have to do to stop faking is to let go. Not letting go something/someone/whatever in particular, but letting go my own feeling. My feeling on how I hate myself for being completely dumb because of how chaotic my life has been, NOT because of others but because of myself. Being so weak and insecure, but do nothing about it. Pretending to be tough yet broken in the inside. No.
I have to let that go. I have to stop being so tough, if clearly, I'm not. 

Letting go doesn't mean you lose. 
Letting go doesn't mean you surrender.
Letting go doesn't mean you are a weakling. No.
Letting go means maturity. 
Letting go means knowing your limits, knowing what's best for you.
Letting go means loving yourself.

When you succeeded on doing so, believe me. It feels greater than everything, even greater than spending 12 hours of your day sipping green tea latte with the hottest celebrity in town. It feels like feeling new.
And, the greatest thing is, you really get to be tough right now. Proving to yourself how tough you are.

People might think that you're so tough, but in the end, the only one you should prove your toughness to is yourself. Voila! 

After you've done so, letting go, ask this to yourself.

"Hello, nice to meet you. Who are you? You're looking great!!"

Because, congratulations, you are new. Enjoy your brand new life! This is way easier than reincarnation, aye?

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Rainbow Boats!


Getting off the drama boat, and back to the normal and happy boat.
Thank you, finally I'm getting my claminions' spirits back! ///

Are you with me?

P.S : Sorry for the lack of quality in the pictures above. Took them straight from Facebook so, ya know.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Surat untuk Sahabat

Surat ini untuk kamu, wahai sahabat.

Mungkin kita sudah lama tidak berbincang riang satu sama lain, tertawa sampai perut melompat ketakutan, atau menari nari sampai pinggul rasanya mau membelah diri.
Tapi, ini surat untuk kamu.

Apa kabar?

Kamu di sebelah saya, tapi rasanya kamu jauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh sekali, teleskop berkekuatan ultra saja tidak dapat menangkap bayanganmu. Baiklah, tanpa basa basi lagi, saya cuman ingin bilang, nikmati hidup kamu. 
Jangan terlalu sering memikirkan orang lain, karena pada akhirnya kamulah yang akan sakit. Kalau kamu sakit, teriaklah, berlarilah, menarilah. Carilah pasangan menari, pasangan berteriak, pasangan menangis dan pasangan tertawa, di luar sana pasti ada. Jangan pernah pakai topeng. Nanti kamu akan lupa dengan wajahmu sendiri. Jangan mau terjatuh, mencium aspal dan menelan tanah, karena didorong oleh orang lain --- yang mungkin tidak sadar telah mendorong kamu. Hiduplah untuk kamu. Bagaimana mau menolong orang lain kalau diri mu sendiri saja compang camping seperti itu?
Dengarkan dirimu sebelum kamu mendengarkan orang lain.

Itu saja, saya mendoakan semoga hidupmu selalu menyenangkan dan penuh tawa!|

Semoga secara tanpa sengaja kamu membaca surat ini.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

RGB Color

I am the type of person who search, find, and then run away.

Answer : You're scared.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Black Robusta Coffee

A group of alumni, highly established in their careers, got together to visit their old university professor. The conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and life. Offering his guests coffee, the professor went to the kitchen and returned with a large pot of coffee and an assortment of cups - porcelain, plastic, glass, crystal, some plain-looking, some expensive, and some exquisite - telling them to help themselves to the coffee.

After all the students had a cup of coffee in hand, the professor said: "If you noticed, all the nice looking expensive cups were taken up, leaving behind the plain and cheap ones. While it is but normal for you to want only the best for yourselves that is the source of your problems and stress. Be assured that the cup itself adds no quality to the coffee. In most cases, it's just more expensive and in some cases even hides what we drink. What all of you really wanted was coffee, not the cup, but you consciously went for the best cups and then began eyeing each other's cups."

Now consider this: 
Life is the coffee, and the jobs, houses, cars, things, money and position in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold and contain life, and the type of cup we have does not define nor change the quality of life we live. Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffee.

Enjoy your coffee. Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect. It means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections

So We Think We Can Dance!

Dance by : Clarisza & Clement Runtung

Sorry, but you have to log in to Facebook first in order to view the video.


"I don't 
believe in 
I believe in 
believing of 
a talent."

Pink Mangoes

W    h      o a    r     e y     o     u     ?

There are many answers regarding that question.
As for me, I will answer, "I don't know". Not because I don't know myself, but seriously, it's equivocal.
People change, and if you consider yourself as one, then you do too. People keep on changing and changing until they find who they really are. And when will that time come?
When will you discover yourself?
When you got back from some kind of retreat, like the one in Eat, Pray, Love?
You might say you're cheerful at the time being, but who can guarantee you, that you'll not change?

"Who are you?" is a life-time question. Some people find the answer when they are 20, some when they are 35, etc. But, not when you're a teenager. The opportunity for you to get to know a little more of yourself is when you're on edge. "I often got on edge!", yes, you might say that.
If you're a teenager, when you're on edge, you're not really on the edge. You are actually in a very safe place that looks like you're on edge. Being a teenager is like living in a training camp, it is hard, but it's still only a training.
You haven't met the real deal yet.
So, yes, none of the teenagers knows who he/she is. You've got to wait.

Relax, take it easy. Everyone has their own moments in order to get to know him/herself better. It doesn't matter whether it's when you're 20, 30, 40 or even 80. Because, in the end, the only thing that matters is yourself.

So, ask this to yourself every single day : "Who am I?"
You'll get shocked on how your own answers might vary from time to time.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

PAPERBOATS #00 : Prologue

"What can you make with this paper?"
"You mean, origami?"
"Yes, yes"
"Hmm...Paper boat."

"That's the only shape I can make, really"
"What?? Really?"
"Yes, I'm dumber than Patrick Star if it comes to origami"

"Do you want me to teach you any other?"
"Believe me, don't. It will only burn your hair down, and..."
"And what?"

"I just don't want to learn any other"



A project called : "A THOUSAND PAPER BOATS"
Seeing from the title of the project, you can pretty much guess what does it mean.
Yes, you, smartypants!
I'm going to make a thousand paper boats!

What are you going to do with it?
Oops, that's what I can't tell you.

I'll give you updates on how many paper boats I've made and stories behind it.

Wish me luck!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Gray Particles

This is a really old video back then in 2009.
Suddenly feel like posting it again, so here it goes!

I made this video for my sister, Clairine.

Yellow lightbulbs

Statement #1 : An atom consists of protons, electrons and neutrons.
Statement #2 : Everyone has a soulmate who is meant for him/her.
Statement #3 : Protons and electrons attract each other.
Statement #4 : Between soulmates, they attract each other.
Statement #5 : Protons and electrons are totally different.
Statement #6 : Soulmates are those identically the same to you. Sharing the same feelings, thoughts, hobbies and views towards the world.
Statement #7 : A proton avoids other protons. An electron avoids other electrons.
Statement #8 : Soulmates are meant to complete you.
Statement #9 : Protons and electrons complete each other.
Statement #10 : Protons and electrons need each other.
Statement #11 : Soulmates need each other.

FACT : Protons and electrons are naturally soulmates.

Wait, aren't soulmates supposed to be identically the same?
Why are proton and neutron two totally different substantials?
So, how are soulmates actually?
Identically the same/totally different?

If the definition of 'soulmate' is he/she who's identically the same to me,
I would rather be either a proton/electron.

How can you complete each other if you are identically the same?
It's not completing, it's multiplying.

Why bother having a relationship with yourself?

Saturday, November 6, 2010


This is a video I made especially for my bestbestbestfriend, Josephine Vania.

Music : "Hey, Soul Sister - Train"


P.S: excuse the need to log in to facebook first in order to watch the video :(

Friday, November 5, 2010

White dandellions

The most important thing is not 

the ability to forgive others

but to

forgive yourself.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Red Bubbles

"Why do people come and go?"


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Can't Wait #2

Saya tidak sabar dicaci maki, dihina, dibenci, disingkirkan, kalau itu berarti saya melakukan hal yang benar.
Saya tidak sabar terjatuh - jatuh, tubuh basah karena keringat, menangis, berteriak dan setengah mati bernafas, kalau itu berarti saya berjuang untuk mimpi saya.
Saya tidak sabar patah hati, dibohongi, diduakan, dilupakan, dihapuskan, kalau itu berarti saya semakin dekat untuk si satu-satunya.

Saya tidak sabar melihat awan hitam, dibasahi oleh hujan, kalau itu berarti saya akan melihat pelangi.
Saya tidak sabar diciprati minyak panas, meminum keringat sendiri, kalau itu berarti saya akan makan.
Saya tidak sabar tersandung batu, tergelinding dari puncak gunung, berdarah digigit ular hitam, kesakitan, kalau itu berarti saya bisa melihat matahari terbit dari puncak gunung.

Saya tidak sabar meneruskan satu titik putih di atas, entah menjadi apa.
Saya tidak sabar melihat akan jadi apa titik itu.

Saya tidak sabar.

Kita lihat saja nanti.

Can't Wait #1

Dua orang sahabat/rumah terbaik saya di dunia kembali berada di daratan yang sama dengan saya.
Walaupun mereka bukan rumah yang besar, tinggi dan megah,
tapi tidak tau saya nyaman saja.
Makanya, ayo cepat balik dong.

Can't wait.

Swaying Kittens

I got into my dancing shoes, jumped through hoops, still with my dancing shoes on.
I'm dancing dancing dancing everytime, I'm a dancer who dances with my blindfold on.
I don't care I don't care, all I know is I'm dancing.
Jip jip jip hip hip left Tadadam!

I dance through the clouds. Thunder, storm, hurricane can't stop me. Clouds are like cotton candy, thunder is like school bell, storm is like the sound of my sweet sweet carousel, hurricane is just like butterflies inside my stomach everytime I think of you. They ain't that bad.
Because I'm dancing, I'm dancing.
Jip jip jip hip hip tadadam!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Running Runners

"When everything goes wrong, what should I do?"

Do some deletions, write lists of what to forget and burn them, throw away and donate some things, do more treadmills to remind you that life goes on ----- you'll lose a few pounds as a bonus! Smile more and remember by smiling, you'll help another to move on too.
Just how others have helped you to do one by theirs.

Let things go, release them, kick them if you like. 

Don't stick to things that hurt you, it doesn't mean they are evil, it's just they aren't meant for you. Their pieces just don't fit the spaces in your heart.

There are other pieces of heart waiting to fill your heart, out there.
Pieces of heart that are meant especially for you.
Before a new chapter started, you must first end the previous.

Nothing is irreplaceable.

Now, go and close the door


Have you ever wondered why good things come to an end?
Have you ever wondered why after you smile, most probably you'll cry the moment after?
Have you ever wondered why people love and hate each other the next?
Have you ever wondered why people come and go?
Have you ever wondered why there's a beginning and an end?

If you say 'yes' for most of the questions, congratulations, you've earned yourself a life.
If you say 'no' for most of the questions, go out a little.
Live a life, experience miseries, let yourself cry, hurt, angry.

Imagine life as a scale. If the right side is heavier than the left, it won't reach the balance state. If it doesn't get to the balance state, everything will go out in chaos. Even though both right and left side are good things, they still have to be measured in an exactly same capacity.
For example : imagine HAPPINESS is heavier than the SADNESS, life will probably be good for the first few minutes, but then when happiness started to take over, later on, life will become... flat. People don't realize what's HAPPINESS anymore, because they've never experienced SADNESS.

I'm asking you this,
Are you sure if there's no negative deeds, there will be world peace?

And then, 'THE ENDING' takes place. There'll always be ending in everything. Either good things or bad things. People sometimes forget to see the other side of them. They'll always whine about why good things come to an end, but they seldom remember that they've felt grateful that bad things come to an end before.
So, when you stated something as the ending, remember, it's also the beginning of something new.

All you need is to change your perspective, ergo, look for a lot of sides.

Floating paperbirds

A young man was standing in the middle of the town proclaiming that he had the most beautiful heart in the whole valley. A large crowd gathered and they all admired his heart for it was perfect. There was not a mark or a flaw in it.

But an old man appeared at the front of the crowd and said,
“Your heart is not nearly as beautiful as mine.”
The crowd and the young man looked at the old man’s heart. It was beating strongly but full of scars. It had places where pieces had been removed and other pieces put in … but they didn’t fit quite right and there were several jagged edges. The young man looked at the old man’s heart and laughed.
“You must be joking,” he said. “Compare your heart with mine … mine is perfect and yours is a mess of scars and tears.”
” “Yes,” said the old man, “Yours is perfect looking … but I would never trade with you. You see, every scar represents a person to whom I have given my love….. I tear out a piece of my heart and give it to them … and often they give me a piece of their heart which fits into the empty place in my heart but because the pieces aren’t exact, I have some rough edges.
“ Sometimes I have given pieces of my heart away … and the other person hasn’t returned a piece of his heart to me. These are the empty gouges … giving love is taking a chance. Although these gouges are painful, they stay open, reminding me of the love I have for these people too … and I hope someday they may return and fill the space I have waiting. So now do you see what true beauty is?”
The young man stood silently with tears running down his cheeks. He walked up to the old man, reached into his perfect young and beautiful heart, and ripped a piece out. He offered it to the old man.
The old man took his offering, placed it in his heart and then took a piece from his old scarred heart and placed it in the wound in the young man’s heart.
It fit …. but not perfectly, as there were some jagged edges.
The young man looked at his heart, not perfect anymore but more beautiful than ever, since lovefrom the old man’s heart flowed into his.
- Priya Sher

This post is dedicated especially for those who I have given pieces of my heart to, in return or not in return.

Flying mails

To : _____________________
Hold on a lil' longer okay, this will all be over and you'll do just fine. Everything is going to be okay. All of your hard work will pay off.

To : _____________________ ______________________
Thank you for everything, I'll make you proud I promise.

To : _____________, ______________, ______________, ________________, __________________, _________________, ________________________ .
Best friends are hard to get, and once I get them I won't let them go. Is it okay to be selfish enough in wanting you guys to be with me forever?

To : __________________
I love you.

To : _____________________
Thanks for the ride, now I'm off the train. Have a nice journey ahead, enjoy every bit of it! Just be careful, don't get lost. My prayer will always be with you, just my prayer.

To : ___________________
Hey, jangan lupa titipan gue ya, susu magnolia satu liter yang cokelat. Awas lupa! 

To : ___________________
Someone is about to be in a relationship, wee-hee! Just don't forget the roasted peanuts you've promised me, k?

To : _____________________________ ________________________

To : NYU Tisch School Of The Arts : Film and Television Production Admission Board
If you accept me as your student, you won't be dissapointed. I'll do my best, my way.

Sealed and sent!

Rounded green eyes

For me
is the only thing that's 
in this world.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Humming and Flying

I can't wait to go away, to finally taking a real step of chasing my dream. I can't wait to get out of this strictly guarded jail who has always forced me to do what they want. But, this is another phase of my life that I should pass. I've always believed that all of my hardwork will pay off.

I'm not a runner, I'm a walker who walks slowly while enjoying the scenery.
I prefer 'travelling' rather than 'arriving'.
I have always believed that it's the journey that matters the most.

My favourite moment of the day is when I was sitting alone in my car, doing nothing but looking into the window with my iPod on. I sighed when it's over, in other words, when I arrived.

I love my life, with its misery attached.
Thank you.

The bored one


There is a group of two most-probably housewives and a man. The first housewife is skinny, talkative and has taken over the dominative side in conversation. The second housewife is fat with short curly hair, carrying a brown Gucci bag. For most of the time, the housewives have been talking about things that the man doesn’t have any interests in. 

That’s why, his eyes wandered around the café, he looked into her Rolex watch every once in a while. They laughed together once though, but then the first housewife started to talk again, and I saw the man sighed a little and started sipping his --- my guess would be Robusta, seeing from his puffy and tired eyes. He must have had a long night or life, perhaps.

“What time is it? What are we waiting for? Oh please, stop talking. I don’t know where to go other than here with the wives. Oh, what a life. I might as well enjoy my coffee rather than getting into the high school house wives chat”
I believe that was what the man is thinking.

He put his hand under his chin, pretending to listen to what the first housewife is talking about. But his eyes are empty. Clearly showing he has no interest in what the housewife is saying. I overheard their chat a little, and it was talking about the first housewife’s 10 year old child who asked her whether she wanted a cigarette or not. She also complained about how rebellious her first child is. But seeing from the look of her face, she seems okay with it. She might complain by her words and all, but her eyes and gestures show completely the opposite. They show how she doesn’t really care about her kids.

The rest of the conversation became mundane, still, the man is getting even more bored.

My prayers are with you, sir. 

Female, not regarding of her age, can be pretty annoying. 
Thank you for understanding us,
that's just the way it is.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Red Candy

Fly to me, soon, please?

Monday, October 18, 2010

Papan Kayu

Hai kalian, jangan tinggalkan saya ya.

Saya takut sendiri, takut melihat kegelapan di depan mata. 
Di belakang mata.
Di samping mata.
Di sudut kiri kanan mata.
Saya gelap mata.

Ya, mungkin itu dia. Saya gelap mata.
Mata saya hilang ditelan, tidak bisa melihat jelas.
Saya buta.

Buta, kosong. Hilang.
Hati pun ikut-ikutan pergi. Yang ada hanya badan kosong.
Mulut yang komat kamit tak terarah.
Tangan yang meraba-raba ....aspal.

Oh, saya sudah terjatuh.

Tolong saya?
Beri saya mata.
Beri saya hati.

Apa? Saya disuruh memilih?

Kalau begitu saya pilih buta.
Lebih baik gelap daripada melihat dan hati terus tersayat.

Onion Rings


Who am I?

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Oh my god, I can feel my heart beating (too) fast, I'm nervous.
*Fingers crossed.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Saturday, October 9, 2010


Anyone hear a fire alarm ringing screaming?

I (really) hope someone does

Cup of tea?

Love letter for you from my sweetest brother ever.


usability studies by userfly