Thursday, April 9, 2009

A Big Round Of Applause

Okay, this time I'm in a mood for blogging in English. Hehehe :)
And just to remind you, this is going to be a short post. Well, I just feel like saying these things, so well.. better type it fast!

Just watch Love Actually, and yeah! It's so funny, witty and romantic. I think. And come to think of it, I really do agree in what the film said, that... Love is practically everywhere.
Even when you think that none loves you, Love is still there. And will always be there.
But, even so.. the most interesting part is : Love is everywhere, but wait!... it's something that you still have to fight for.

When you feel alone, you will feel like you're the most miserable person ever in the whole world. But actually, you're not. Actually, in my opinion, NONE is ever become the most miserable person in the whole world. Because when you feel like it, there must be someone out there (perhaps, without you knowing it) who has been praying for your good. for your happiness and simply for everything the best.
And, I do believe I have one :)

Sometimes, without you realizing it, you've become that 'the one' who prays for the others. We'll never be alone, because WE'RE SOMETHING, YOU'RE SOMETHING AND I AM SOMETHING. So, see? We're actually never alone. It's just a state of mind that's controlling you.

And, I'm going to say this personally. I've always saluted everyone, anyone who has the courage to tell someone that he/she loves her/him. HAHAHA I don't know, you may think 'ah gitu doang!' but, HEY! Everyone knows that saying a personal confession is not an easy thing, so..

Let's give a big round applause for everyone who ever confesses his/her feelings to the beloved one! :)

HAHAHAHA That's all I wanna say in this post, because after watching Love Actually, the first thing that pops into my mind is : "GOSH, HOW BRAVE!" hahahahaha :)
Well, it might be because it's a MOVE-E. But, still. A big round of applause.

So now, why don't all of you guys! Everyone, everywhere, whoever you are! Say to someone you love that you love him/her, say it before it's too late. 
Because, even when people said that fate has been written in the stars, it can always be changed. So, why should you regret when there's a slight chance that you don't have to face that regret?
But, I'm still not going to deny it, that... it's not easy to do it.

As for me, now I'm going to say to everyone (or might be someone :p) I love that I love them. Soo, why wouldn't you? :)

Remember, Love is everywhere and HEY, when it's TOO LATE what's left is only you regretting. 
Love is there.... if you go for it.

Do you want to regret?


Natasia Melita Kohar said...

woaaa claa i suka sama post lu yg ini. ngena banget. sangat berguna! Wetttts cie clajol ngmgnya ud ke cinta2 ni yeh cihuy. mm sapa tu cla, yg i hv one itu?

Anonymous said...

my all time fav. movies..
really love that film every time I watch that movie

clarisza benedicta said...

Tasia : hehehehe thanksss :) Ini gara2 abis ntn Love Actually behehehe

Anonymous : yeah, me too! Hi-Five, yo!

nashz said...

love actually is the best valentine/christmas movie ever. ini my all time fav cla hahahah. so sweet bgt yaaahh?? gw plg suka crita yg colin firth sm ce portugis itu hehe. trus gw suka bangeet pas tmennya keira knightley ke rumah dia gitu pas xmas eve. aaaahhh hehe.

and i agree with you cla, it's hard to declare your love to someone.

clarisza benedicta said...

yea, declaring is like the hardest thing. but, accepting is not an easy thing as well, I think. hahaha :)

emang yaaaa keren bangget! kalo gua sukanya yg temen suaminya keira knightley itu sm yang prime minister. hehehehehehehehe :)


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