Saturday, November 15, 2008


okay, especially for this post, i'm going to use english baybehh...

(jarang jarang kan lu liat post inggris semua di blog gua, limited edition kayak parfum gitu loh)

okay then, so I got this homework from ANASTASIA VANIA PUTRI SUDRAJAT a couple o' days ago and well as a dedicated diligent and excellent student (well don't take this seriously :p), of course I've got to do the homework. :p

Well then, let's just get this started.

1. Each blogger must post these rules.
2. Each blogger starts with ten random facts/habits about themselves.
3. Blogger that are tagged need to write about their own blog about their ten things and post. these rules. you need to choose some people to get tagged and list their names.
4. Don't forget to live them a comment telling them they've been tagged and to read your blog

10 random facts about me.

I was so fat when I was 10 or so. well, I guess my weight was 48kg back then. And I also had POWER RANGER and SARAS 008 full costume at home. And I loved to wear it anywhere when I was a kid.

I love to cuddle up with my Abbie. I have to do that unless I won't be able to sleep.

I love TWISTER KFC more than french fries and chicken nuggets.

I have this love-struck-thingy with... GREECE. I promise myself I have to go there before I got married.

I dance by myself every night. with any kinds of music. absolutely ANY KINDS of music, and by the time my father walked into my room I'll run so quickly until I sit in front of my table and pretending that I was studying. Sorry dad :p

I love to draw all kinds of graffiti and letter blocks.

I have another kind of love-struck with SKANDAR KEYNES. Meet me up with him and I'll love you muach!

When I was having 'sariawan', I'll make a lot of funny faces to prevent my sariawan to hit my braces.

I tend to speak supeerduperextremely QUICK everytime I was nervous or when my heart was beating sooo fast.

I prefer to eat my meal directly from the package rather than on a plate.

sooo... now I'm going to give this homework to :

enjoyy the homework pals!

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