Friday, May 8, 2009


Today, I learned a lot of things :

1. I finally realize who and what I want to be in the future :)

2.  Friendship is about accepting. When you can accept the way your friends are,whether they're totally talkative (which u don't really feel comfort about), or whatsoever. Or when you can accept their mistakes, and remember that everyone can make mistakes, you'll get the VIP Pass to be BestFriends. Don't hesitate to tell them sth u don't like about them, the key is communication

3. When they can't accept the way you are, don't be sad. They're just not your soulmates and BFFs. Believe in yourself that you'll find one. Don't rush. And, don't be friend with someone just to make yourself popular, once you realized it, you'll know that you've been stuck in a FAKE kind of friendship

4. Boyfriends will come and go, but bestfriend never will.

5. Once you've found the one(s), love them with all your heart, show them that you care, appreciate them, be there when they need you, support them and don't think (or even hoping) to go to the next level (read : in a relationship).
Believe me being in a relationship is like having a pile of Gucci Dress, but friendship is like having the entire Saks Avenue's dresses.
If you two really are destined to be together, the time will come. just wait.

6. Don't let anything destroy your friendship. Any-thing. Prove it that your friendship is strong and will last hopefully forever. 

7. Love them. Love your bestfriends. Love your friendship.

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