Okay, this is the first time, I post something which is so gloomy, but I need that. I need to do that, unless this wtv-I-feel-inside won't stop crumbling.
I'm so lame pathetic. Yea I know, you don't have to tell me that.
I feel like there's none to be there for me, except my beloved the nong-nongs family, who are always there. happy...or sad.
Theodora Beatrix Larasati, Aileen Tanaga, Stacey Hutapea, and Novita Ratu Diah.
Thanks, is the only thing I can say.
Thanks for answering my calls late at night,
simply listens to me when I cry.
Thanks for cheering me up, even when you actually didn't know how and what to say.
You know that you guys mean a lot for me.
I won't survive this far, without all your help.
And also, Tasia, Michelle, AnasMichelle, Tessa, TJ, Vania, Vita, GabySD. for simply asking what's wrong and cheer me up. Thanks, really.
and especially, my beloved sister, Clairine and father, Papa Runtung.
I might often become your pain in the ass, but please do know, both of you are so important.
I'm not good in expressing how much I love you, I often make you guys angry. Sorry.
But thanks, for the listening ears, and for not judging me.
Thanks for all your motivations and cheering.
I feel like I don't have those thing people call as 'place-where-you-can-put-every-problems-you-have-in-mind'.
I'm tired of everything, really.
please, give me a break. a month, is good. a year is better. eternal...best.
I don't know what else to say, and hey, whoever you are, if you feel like you're hurting me and whatsoever, please stay away.
I need nothing but to simply taking a step back and live my life. Which means that to stay away from you, especially. I'll talk to you when I'm ready.
hey babe, you better cheer up because i know you're the most cheerful person i've ever met. you know the good side of life, at least the better part of life. you are fabulous. don't let any jerk tear you apart. you have this fantastic blog and you've got fantastic friends down there.
i love you
aduh cla lo tadi sebenernya serem banget, tapi i understand lah. youre probably amat sangat stressed out. just know that my ears are available to talk with when you need to :)
sayaaang cici baru baca post yg ini, kamu knapaaa? :)
i know you love me and i looove you too! hehe
Now I see what you were thanking me about back then. Be strong, all geminis are self-destructive in their own vigorous mind.
Now that I've told you a big problem of mine before the Valentine.
Please, share your problems.
Don't doubt me as a friend.
I like you and moreover, your smile and cheerfulness.
And if I've been irritating you recently, forgive me.
I was too stressed about you.
pyut, clay, rene, gabriel : thanks :)
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